"I'm proud of myself. That's the first time I have said that phrase to myself in I don't know how long."  


Susan's story

Realising that Covid-19 had changed her mindset around exercise from something she loved to something she did as punishment for what she ate, Susan reached out to the Body Smart team and got on a call with a breakthrough coach.

Coach Shaina was matched with Susan and said: “Susan is no quitter! She continued to push through the highs and lows of life, never losing sight of her goals.

“She successfully changed her relationship with food, her body and exercise all while getting lean.

“Susie is an athlete and she wanted her body to reflect how she felt on the inside. I’m so proud of her commitment and happy that she can live the rest of her life free from food rules, restrictions and over-exercising”

Reflecting on her journey Susan added: “Coaching has been incredible, Shaina has been integral to my success. There is absolutely no way I would have been able to achieve this without her.

“Having a coach that could talk to me about all three aspects of my life without judgement and with compassion and honest, direct feedback was a game-changer

I’m 100% a different person. I’ve created habits that are ingrained into me. I could never do a pull-up and now I can do 4. I’m proud of myself and I am so grateful to Shaina and Body Smart.

“I’m proud of myself. That’s the first time I have said that phrase to myself in I don’t know how long.”

For life-changing results like Susan, apply for 1:1 fitness, nutrition and mindset coaching here.

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