Strength Gains

"I now know how much I am worth and what I am capable of when I prioritise myself"


Amy's story

Reflecting on life before her coaching journey with Body Smart, Amy said: “I was drowning, personally, professionally and mentally. I disliked myself, and what my life had become.

“I drank like a fish to numb how I felt and ate everything because I perceived it as something that brought me pleasure.

“I decided to reach out when I was at my highest weight, I knew I needed 1:1 support instead of like in the past trying to get results from unrealistic diets where all you can eat is boiled chicken and veggies.”

Amy was paired with coach Luke, who said: “Amy signed up unhappy about how she felt about herself. Despite this, she has managed to lose over 50 lbs.

“She took big steps in her work life to improve her happiness. She now feels more like herself every day and continually challenges and reframes old negative habits.”

Amy added:: “After coaching, I now know how much I am worth and what I am capable of when I prioritise myself and the most important things to me.

“The program is forgiving for when life gets in the way, it teaches you how to keep going.

The team at Body Smart have blown me away. They know how to work through the tough times with you and how to celebrate the victories.”

When asked what advice she would give to those thinking of coaching, Amy said: “Just make the call! The investment covers so many aspects of life that challenges weight and fitness for woman.

For life-changing results like Amy, apply for 1:1 fitness, nutrition and mindset coaching here.

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