The Obesity Epidemic: Modern Life is Making Us Fat | EP83

Obesity rates have skyrocketed since the 1970s with over 70% of the US population now overweight or obese – but why?

Join Stacey and Jaymie as theydiscuss not only how the obesity epidemic has become a more significant global health issue than hunger, but also what you can do to fight back against the trend. They’ll be delving deep on the complexities of obesity including:

🍔 The impact of processed foods on metabolism
🌽 The introduction of High-Fructose Corn Syrup
🧬 Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and the link to obesity
💻 How technology has changed our waistlines
😫 The impact of stressful lives on our eating habits

And much more…

We know that weight management can feel like a constant uphill battle, when you’re up against all these factors. But please don’t think this is a doom and gloom episode!

We are big believers in the power of understanding your situation and the root causes of your struggles – so you can tackle them head on👊

So you’ll walk away with lots of simple, practical steps you can take – starting today!

If you’re a busy woman aged 30+ and want to…

✅ Lose 30-60lbs (14-27kg) in under 6 months📉
✅ Develop lifelong healthy habits & skills to make it easy 🙌
✅ Rebuild your confidence & self-esteem and feel like you again 💁‍♀️

We guarantee we can help you achieve your goals – Results that blow you away in 30 days or your money back 👊

Apply now for one of our limited coaching slots👇


💥Connect with us!
📱 Instagram: Jaymie, Stacey & Body Smart Podcast
🎵 TikTok: @‌bodysmartfitness
🎥 YouTube: BodySmartFitness & BodySmartPodcast

Start your life-changing transformation today 👇

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