Success Stories

“I deal with stress better and my blood pressure has dropped!” | Rhonda’s Story

Written by Matthew Ainsworth | Monday 17th Jan 2022 |

Meet Rhonda! The busy accountant from who has developed super-strength physical;ly and mentally thanks to coaching with Body Smart.

What was life like mentally, physically and emotionally before coaching with Body Smart?

Life before Body Smart felt overwhelming. I was very unhappy in my body but couldn’t find my way to making changes I could maintain. I kept losing minimal weight and gaining it back. I felt angry all the time and it was mentally exhausting. Everything felt like a struggle.

What made you reach out for help? What happened that made you decide you needed to take action?

I just felt so stuck, unhappy and physically unwell. I had been following Body Smart on Instagram for a few months. I really enjoyed the content, the straightforward way it was presented, and the humour. So one evening when I was particularly unhappy, I reached out.

What do you do as a profession, what struggles does that bring with it and how did you overcome them?

I am an accountant for a credit union. In addition to the normal deadlines and stress, during certain times of the year, there are extra deadlines with a heavier workload and extra stress. I have learned to take breaks and get steps in, pay attention to hunger cues, get my sleep and ask for help


What attracted you to Body Smart Fitness coaching?

The no bullsh*t approach to the presentation of content. I knew a lot of it, but the presentation and humour made it impactful for me.

What results have you achieved so far? Mentally, physically, emotionally or other wins?

I have gotten so physically strong. I am mentally in a completely different place – life does not feel overwhelming. I have learned to lose the guilt when eating something I really enjoy. I cope with my stress better than ever. I have lost 30 pounds and my blood pressure has dropped.

What kind of things were you doing in the past to try and achieve these results?

I tried Weight Watchers, Noom and went to the gym. I would lose up to ten pounds and then not be able to maintain.

What was different this time around? Why did this work for you?

The personal coaching! Your coach spends the time building a judgment-free relationship. They help you learn to hold yourself accountable whether it’s with movement, working out or tracking food.

What was the coaching journey like for you in terms of mindset, nutrition and fitness support? How did you find it?

Amazing! Coach Heather has helped me understand so much about myself and my mindset. A big plus is having all the mindset, nutrition and fitness support available in one place. Coach Heather helps me interpret that information and how to apply it and how to adapt when needed.

What advice would you give yourself looking back to before coaching, or to someone who is sitting on the fence themselves?

Reach out to Body Smart. It will have such a positive impact on every aspect of your life. You ARE worth the investment!!

Is there anything else you would like to add about your coaching journey or results?

Body Smart has been such an amazing experience this past year. Coach Heather has helped me immensely with the “head game” that losing weight can be. I am a completely different person.

Coach Heather said, “Rhonda has been so much fun to coach. She has been CRUSHING her workouts and really loves training to get stronger and see her body composition change. At the beginning of her journey, the focus was on seeing that scale go down but now as she has seen how much her body can change even when there is minimal change on the scale by being consistent with her training. She is always eager to try new workouts and master new skills. One of my favorite things about Rhonda is the ownership and honesty she takes with herself- and with me as her coach. The trust we have built has allowed us to find the strategies that work best for her AND to have fun along the way with humor and laughs. I am so proud of her progress and continued determination to be 1% better every time we chat!”

For results like Rhonda with 1:1 coaching to build unstoppable habits that will last you the next 50+ years of the rest of your life, click here to apply for coaching.

Written by Matthew Ainsworth

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