Fat Loss Fitness Mindset Nutrition Success Stories

How Adele Could’ve Lost 100lbs (45kg) Eating 3,000 Calories a Day

Written by Matthew Ainsworth | Monday 13th Dec 2021 |

[Adopts Adele’s sultry voice] Hello… it’s me…

Gemma here, bringing you the inside scoop on how Adele could’ve lost 100lbs while eating 3,000 calories a day!

I love Adele. Since she burst into my eardrums all those years ago, she continues to be an artist I hugely admire and respect.

There’s a lot of talk about her transformation right now.

I’ve seen posts on Instagram shaming people for talking about her transformation. So I’m writing this blog with a warning saying I AM going to talk about her transformation because I think Adele’s focus on her health comes with such an important lesson around using exercise for mental health and an improved mindset.

It’s not just about her losing 100lbs / 45kg / 7 stone.

It’s about her getting strong.

Being a more present parent.

It’s also about her ridding herself of debilitating anxiety – which, if you’ve ever also suffered from anxiety, you’ll know it can feel like a place of despair and hopelessness.

Adele’s transformation IS inspirational

Just because she’s a celebrity, it doesn’t mean it’s not achievable for anyone else who doesn’t have her estimated $190 million net worth.

In fact, Jaymie turned super sleuth and diet detective on her transformation revealing that it is entirely possible Adele lost 100lbs while eating over 3,000 calories a day.

Of course, I was so mind blown by this I insisted we do a video on it.

I feel it’s a super important message about giving yourself the gift of time, fuelling your body correctly and deciding to change for the right reasons, not just a number on the scale.

Click the button below to watch the video:


As we approach the new year, it is time many of us will start thinking about our goals. I just want to leave you with this thought; could you take inspiration from Adele and Rebel Wilson and focus on a year or two of deep health? Rather than a quick fix fad or crash diet?

Why do you think we struggle to give ourselves the gift of time and patience?

Why do we insist on intensity over consistency?

This is the stuff keeping me awake at night at the moment!

If you know you’re ready to give yourself the gift of education, accountability and the most compassionate support, we’re ready to receive your application on our 1:1 mindset, nutrition and fitness coaching program. Click here to get started.


PS – Have you listened to her album yet? Did you also absolutely bawl your eyes out at ‘My Little Love’??? Gawd I’ve got goosebumps just thinking about it. Can one of my 2022 goals be to be Adele’s best friend, please???

Written by Matthew Ainsworth

Matt ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Proin eu sapien tincidunt, fermentum urna sed, pretium enime gestas.

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