Success Stories

“Food was taking up my entire thought process all day, every day. I needed to take back control.” | Whitney’s incredible story

Written by Matthew Ainsworth | Monday 17th Jan 2022 |

“Food was taking up my entire thought process all day, every day. I knew life was too short for this so I took back control with coaching.” said Whitney.

“Before body smart fitness, life felt like a roller coaster. I was constantly trying to find quick fixes that would take weight off but of course nothing stuck. I was always yo-yoing between being too restrictive with my diet and then overeating afterwards. It felt like total chaos and exhausting.”

“I felt like I hit rock bottom with my unhealthy relationship with food. I’ve tried all the diets – Keto, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, diet pills, Arbonne, Whole 30, liquid diets, Paleo diet, Atkins. Of course nothing worked because they’re not sustainable. One too many ‘diets’ resulted in me asking myself “why am I doing this to myself?”

Whitney is a busy National Director of Food and Beverage for a golf management company, working with food and alcohol all day every day. She knew she needed help and was paired with Coach Terry @coachandersonuk who said, “Whitney came to Body Smart having tried every diet and fad she possibly could including diet pills, keto, WW and the list could go on. This meant she came here with fear around creating balance and knowing what that looks like as she’d never done it before. She was drinking most evenings to relax and feeling like she couldn’t have her favourite foods without having to do a workout for hours after to burn off.”

“This couldn’t be further from where she is now! Having trusted the process and been open to learning about herself as well as the science along the way, Whitney has become the supermom she wanted to be.”

“Working a busy job with lots of travelling, managing life as a mom, working out 4-5x per week would normally be a struggle but Whitney made it happen in hotel rooms, her bedroom or hallway at home, not letting her circumstances get in the way of her goals.”

“Not only does Whitney now eat without tracking, balancing the foods she loves and the occasional drink in there too, but she also manages stress better, is stronger and leaner than ever and still has the energy to show up as the mom she wants to be.”

“I’m so proud of you Whitney, not only for your commitment to your goals to get the body you always wanted but you also have the unbreakable mindset to keep it too. You’re an amazing woman and you deserve all the happiness you now have!”

Whitney lost 20lbs through coaching, saying ” lost 20 lbs!! My goal originally was 10 – never thinking I could do more than that! But with the support and knowledge that I had the power, I made it to 20! I built muscle in the process and feel confident in my own skin. Something I never thought would be possible again.”

“I’ve also found peace with food. I literally work with food and alcohol all day for my job. It has always been a struggle because food is constantly available. But it doesn’t have to rule my life anymore. I can fit tastings into my plan and not feel guilty.”

“What I’m doing now is sustainable. It works with my lifestyle and I can easily make these food choices for the rest of my life!”

It all started for Whitney by following us on Instagram and taking in our #CutTheBS approach with ease. “I love how open and honest posts are on Instagram. I never felt scammed or that Body Smart just wanted my money. My coach has been nothing but supportive and motivating since day one. And the amount of tools and information at hand is amazing!” said Whitney.

Whitney loved her coaching journey and added, “I feel that when certain parts of the journey didn’t work, we could easily come up with a solution together. I also enjoyed being able to think for myself and wasn’t force-fed a ‘one-size-fits-all’ training program. It was customized for my needs and lifestyle which ultimately makes it sustainable.”

When asked what advice she’d give others thinking about coaching, she said, “I’m so thankful I took the leap of faith and joined Body Smart! What once felt like an impossibility to lose weight and keep it off, is now a reality and I’ll have results for life! I can’t thank you enough!”

“For anyone reading this right now, I was once where you are and my advice would be don’t wait!!! Life is too short to sit around being uphappy. Seize the day and take control of your life.”

To start your journey with 1:1 fitness, nutrition and mindset coaching, click here to apply for coaching with Body Smart.

Written by Matthew Ainsworth

Matt ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Proin eu sapien tincidunt, fermentum urna sed, pretium enime gestas.

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